Monday, January 26, 2009


Need I say more??? Most people would probably say no. I have to say I have a deep love for running (don't know why). Well I've started my second training venture for the Cowtown Marathon, but this time I'm going for the half. It's amazing, this past week Mike, Drew (my brother--if you didn't know) and I went out for an 8 mile run by Grapevine Lake. It was so nice outside and being out in the "wilderness" on those trails was such a great getaway from what I normally run (my neighborhood). I have to say that I am so proud of my husband! He is seriously taking me up on my challenge to do this run and I couldn't be more proud of him! I know he will see what I see in the joys of being out on a long run. There are so many people that have gotten me here today (as if running is a huge thing). I really think we all do things in life because someone has inspired us to do so, so I feel compelled to give a huge thanks to 5 people. First and foremost to my parents. They have been there to support me and provide encouragement at all these events and are consistently help out with the kids. I cannot thank the you enough!!! Next being my brother. I don't think he realizes how much of an inspiration he is to me! From trugging along those last 6 miles of my last marathon to just calling me up early on Sunday morning and telling me "I don't want to hear excuses, let's go!" I love you Drew. Thank you! To my wonderful husband and children! Mike thank you for your support and always giving me a hard time. You push me and motivate me more than anyone in this world and more than you will ever know! And to my two beautiful children. Thank you for making me feel like I need to get out and run to keep my sanity, just kidding! I appreciate all the support and cheers you give mommy on those long runs when I come around that corner at home and you are standing outside in the driveway with Daddy to cheer me on and run to my feet. I LOVE YOU!!! And lastly, I do not think I would be doing any of this without the encouragement that I received growing up from my grandmother, Granny. Granny (she'll probably never read this), thank you for taking me to all those runs as a kid and showing me that running is enjoyable even when you were 55 years old and out there winning trophies. I think you enstilled a love for this sport in all your children and grandchildren. You are a great motivator!!! So whether you run for you, run for someone else, run for a special cause or a special loved one that you have lost that can no longer run for themselves...keep pushing that joy through for many generations so that all the world might see just how fun it can truly be! I only hope that I can do that for somone. RUN ON!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009


OK. So for my first official blog I thought that I had to write something great, or should I say funny about my two wonderful children. This picture was taken one day while the kids were outside playing, during the summer, in the garden at Grandma and Grandad's house. Dawson is such a sweet loving child and I guess he decided that he was going to play with the pink flamingo sprinkler with Mikayla. Mikayla always has to have everything perfect so, of course, she wouldn't be outside playing naked, but Dawson, on the other hand, loves to let the world see the sunshine from his point of view. Dawson will always be safe with Mikayla by his side since she has to take care of everything. She has such a sweet, yet very determined heart. This picture always makes me laugh as Grandad thinks it's so funny that Dawson likes to wear pink jackets (thanks mom!), play with pink fishing poles and play with Mikayla's pink flamingo. Guess he thought he needed to show that he was really a boy in some fashion!

I love you two wonderful kiddos! Thanks for always bringing a sile to my face and joy to my heart! I couldn't ask for a life that is any better! I love you guys!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Our Family

Well after a year or so of watching my family create these blogspots I've finally decided to create one of my own! I love all the pictures and daily updates they write about their families and adventures through life so I thought that I should create a page to share my family adventures and memories as well.

Welcome to our blogspot...and I'll try to write at least once a week, if not more!